Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Emerald Boulder

Emerald Boulder

This boulder is located to the right hand side of the trail as you head from COAD boulders back toward the trailer park. It sits about 100ft off the trail just out of sight. You can use the lone car size boulder(pictured above) along the way as a reference point. It is down the hill from it, just over the shelf. Problems are listed from left to right as the trail approaches the boulder.

Parking: Same parking area as the "Trailer Park". Park at the white barn(Dance Studio) parking area off of East State street, located behind the Ohio University credit union. This is the start of the "Cucumbertree Connector" trail. If it is ful,l park in the Wal-mart parking lot an walk over.

  1. V0 Warm Up: SUS. This is the farthest left line on the face.
  2. V2+ Snake Eye: SUS. This line is 8 ft to the right of the left arête. Find the tricky feet and use the slopey pockets to go straigt to the top.
  3. V5 Discombobulation: SUS. This is the right most line before it starts to scoop right. Use the pockets and high gaston to avoid be discombobulated.  A SDS starts under the "Emerald" and traverse left up the rail and into the stand of Discombulation. Pedestal is off! V6ish
  4. V5 Crystal Shard: SUS. Located between the face problems and the arête is a scooped area. Stand start on under clings above the honey comb choss and climb up through blank face to gain the “shards” of iron then to the top. A sit down start is located under arête, same as the emerald. Traverse the sloper rail to gain the underclins. V7
  5. V5 The Emerald: SDS. Climb the most prominent arête to the top and battle for the jewel.
  6. V4 Barbs: This is the last most arête on the rock. SDS and power through the moves to stellar topout. Watch out for the barb wire if you fall.

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Rusty Blade Rosser said...

whats up everyone i was out at the emerald boulder a few days ago and it needs trafic BAD!! So if your out climbing and you really want to get a good session in. This boulder is great for that with its consintration of fives. so next time your out give this boulder some love.

Unknown said...


Tim said...

The sit start to Discombobulation has been done, V6ish, FA by Bryant Noble. Sis start under Emerald and traverse left up the rail and into the stand of Discombobulation. Pedestal rock is off!